USAID’s Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition is now open for submissions!

Submit a case to showcase your team’s innovation and expertise around strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management. We eliminated the 80 submission cap, so please submit your case by June 6, 2022. Step-by-step instructions to submit your case can be found under the “Submit Your Case” section on the CLA Case Competition page. By the way, while you’re there, you may notice that Learning Lab looks a little different! We’ve given the site a new design and new features. We’re finalizing some upgrades and anticipate being able to formally announce the new site relaunch in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we’re excited to receive the cases that you’ve prepared! The competition has grown the evidence base for CLA to almost 400 cases. Take a look at previous years’ winners for inspiration. The CLA Case Competition is a celebration of USAID and partners collaborating, learning and adapting for better development outcomes. All eligible cases will be published on USAID Learning Lab, and finalists and winners will be spotlighted in site blogs and associated social media channels. Winners will be announced in September. Visit USAID Learning Lab for more information. |