Sustainable Pathway to Food Security and Economic Growth in Karamoja: Reflecting on a Decade of Investments
12-14 September 2023 | Kampala, Uganda
Following over a decade of USAID’s investments, Karamoja is at a turning point: a prolonged drought, the food price cirsis, and increasing conflicts are undermining promising signs of progress towards food security and economic growth.
To that end, USAID/Uganda, with the technical leadership of Mercy Corps, and in partnership with the Horn of Africa Resilience Network, and Catholic Relief Services, and the Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU) invite you to join us for a learning event 12-14 September to reflect on sustainable pathways to food security and economic growth for Karamoja. The event will focus on three critical themes
- Sustaining food security and nutrition in Karamoja in light of compounding shocks
- Market-led approaches in humanitarian and dryland contexts
- Conflict dynamics and impact on humanitarian and development investments
This even will examine a decade of evidence from the Karamoja Resilience Support Unit, the Mercy Corps implemented Apolou program and the CRS-implemnted Nuyok, among others, and put forward keyrecommendations to strengthen collective impact in the Karamoja Region.
More information to be announced.

Theme 1:Food Security in Light of Compound Shocks
Theme 2:Market Development in Humanitarian Contexts
Theme 3:Impact of Conflict on Karamoja
7:45 – 8:15 – Participant check-in (pick up conference packets)
8:15-10:15 – Welcome “Opening Remarks” and Keynotes
Opening Remarks:
- Richard Nelson, USAID Uganda MIssion Director
- Hon. Frank Tumwebaze, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF)
- Andy Catley, Karamoja Resilience Support Unit (KRSU)
Opening Plenary
Olga Petryniak, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Raphael Lotira Arasio, KRSU
- Joseph Nangole Lobot, District Chairperson, Amudat
- Sagar Pokharel, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Jami Montgomery, USAID, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security
10:15 -11:00 - COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
Opening Thematic Plenary 1
Economic Inclusion and Closing the Wealth Divide
Shaun Ferris, CRS
- Mesfin Ayele, KRSU
- Dr. Kathiya Dominic Lokeris, IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas & Livestock Development (ICPALD)
- Collins Apuoyo, DAI
- Namoe Santina, Women Farmers Association
12:15 - 13:30 - LUNCH
13:30 – 14:45 – Concurrent Sessions (Round 1)
1. Livestock and crops through a food security lens
Shaun Ferris, CRS
- William Obonyo Otoko, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Moses Opio, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Eladu Frederic, Local Government, Kaabong
- John Steven Okalang, JOSTO
- Joseph Lomongin, Chief Administrative Officer, Kotido
2. Livestock and crops through a market lens
Maureen Kamusiime, Apolou, Mercy Corps; Catherine McMahon, Mercy Corps
- Habib Onifade, Swiss Contact
- Gratian Nareebah, DAI
- Daniel Hudner, Mercy Corps
- Dr.Paul Lochap, Caritas Kotido
- Namoe Santina, Women Farmers Association
- Paul Lokol, District Chairperson, Nabilatuk
3. Livestock and crops through conflict lens
Babu Ayindo, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Raphael Lotira Arasio, KRSU
- Erastus Kyalo, Cross-Border Community Resilience (CBCR), Chemonics
- Ngura Chilla, Reformed Warrior
- Abura Mary Rereng, Oyarakaape Livestock Enterprise Group (LEGS)
- Major. Betty, Resident District Commissioner, Amudat
15:00 – 16:15 – Concurrent Sessions (Round 2)
4. Safety Nets for Shock-Response (Informal and Formal)
Allison Huggins, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Raphael Lotira Arasio, KRSU
- Edonu Janaan, District Entomology Office Moroto / Resilience Strategy Development Secretariat
- Jennifer Maurer, USAID Kenya/East Africa
- Alex Chelimo, Chief Administrative Officer, Moroto
5. Financial Inclusion
Robinson Abote, Apolou, Mercy Corps; Vewonyi Adjavon, Nuyok, CRS
- Anthony Mangeni, CRS
- Apuun Kizito, PSP
- Joseph Lomerinyang, PSP
- Isaac Dikan, Ensibuuko
- Emmanuel Ocen Eyuru, Chief Administrative Officer, Amudat
6. Off/Non-Farm Livelihoods
Catherine McMahon, Mercy Corps
- Gratian Nareebah, DAI
- Barbara Athieno, Researcher
- Paul Bolo, BOMA
- Martijn Harlaar, Kara Tunga
- Merab Twinomugisha, Finding XY
- Naduk Florence, Matany Girls Vocational Institute
- John Nangiro, District Chairperson, Nakapiripirit
16:15 - 16:30 - COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
16:30-17:00 – Closing Plenary
Economic Inclusion and Closing the Wealth Divide
8:00 – 8:30 – Participant check-in (pick up conference packets)
8:30 – 9:00 – Recap Thematic Plenary
9:00 – 10:30 – Opening Thematic Plenary 2
Strengthening the Natural Resource Base in Light of Climate Change
Yasin Salah, USAID Kenya/East Africa
- Dr. Raphael Lotira Arasio, KRSU
- Mark Guti, Ekisil, Mercy Corps
- Loput Simon, Regional Resilience Strategy Development Secretariat
10:30 - 11:15 - COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
11:15- 12:30 – Concurrent sessions (Round 1)
1. Managing Pasture and Farmlands in Karamoja for Food Security
Olga Petryniak, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Darlington Akabwai, Researcher
- Grace Itae, Women’s Peace Forum
- Vewonyi Adjavon, Nuyok, CRS
- Moses Opio, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Ochailap Filbert, Resident District Commissioner, Karenga
2. Managing Pasture and Farmlands in Karamoja for Vibrant Markets
Sylvester Abara, Apolou, Mercy Corps; Catherine McMahon, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Raphael Lotira Arasio , KRSU
- Lochaale Felix Mark, District Chairperson, Karenga
- John Paul Kodet, District Chairperson, Napak
- Dr. Eladu Frederick, Kaabong Production Officer
3.Pasture and Farmland in a Changing Climate, and Conflict Dynamics
Dr. Lillian Linda, KRSU
- Dr. Franklin Muhereza, Centre for Basic Research (CBR)
- Mark Guti, Ekisil, Mercy Corps
- Rose Adero, Women’s Peace and Development Forum
- Ngura Chilla, Reformed Warrior
- Onoria Ambrose, Resident District Commissioner, Kotido
12:30 - 14:00 - LUNCH
14:00 -15:15 – Concurrent Sessions (Round 2)
4. Water Security from a Food Security, Market Systems, and Conflict Lens
Florence Randari, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Wilfred OKello,Regional Water Engineer, Soroti
- Susan Audo, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Joseph Okuda, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Jino Meri, District Chairperson, Kaabong
5. Early Warning Systems from a Food Security and Market Systems lens
Sagar Pokharel, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Geoffrey Muzuni, Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA)
- Loput Simon, Regional Resilience Strategy Development Secretariat
- Lodero Maria, Fore teller
- Lawrence Wadada, District Chairperson, Nakapiripirit
6.Conflict and Early Warning Systems
Babu Ayindo, Mercy Corps
- Florence Kirabira, Conflict Early Warning and Response Unit (CEWERU) Uganda
- Joseph Muhumuza,CREATE/Ekisil, Mercy Corps
- Akorikin Francis, District Chairperson, Kapalibiyong
- Logiro Peter, Local Government, (Former), Resident District Commissioner, Kotido
- George William Wopuwa, Resident District Commissioner, Moroto
15:15 -16:00 - COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
16:00 -17:00 – Closing Plenary
Strengthening the Natural Resource Base in Light of Climate Change
8:00 – 9:00 – Participant check-in (pick up conference packets)
9:00 – 9:30 – Recap Thematic Plenary
Recap: Strengthening the Natural Resource Base in Light of Climate
Change Moderator: Joshua Wathanga, RLA;
Speakers: Community Voices
9:30 – 11:00 – Opening Thematic Plenary 3
Strengthening Social Inclusion and Local Governance
Moderator and Speaker:
Teddy Atim, KRSU
- Julius Ssentongo, ResilientAfrica Network (RAN) Lab
- Stephanie Adupa, Women Peace Forum
- Jennifer Aanyu, District Nutrition Focal Person
- Ataa Ruth Jesca, Nakere Rural Women Activist (NARWOA)
10:30 - 11:15 - COFFEE/ TEA BREAK
11:30 – 12:45 – Concurrent sessions (Round 1)
1. Social Inclusion from a Food Security and Market Systems lens
Florence Randari, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Barbara Athieno, Researcher, Tufts
- Lilian Ojanduru, Nuyok, CRS
- Naduk Florence, Matany Girls Vocational Institute
- Lily Akongo, GIRL H Mentor Karenga
- Jennifer Akello, Uganda Health Activity
- Emmy Ejuku Olaboro, Chief Administrative Officer, Nabilatuk
2. Social Inclusion from a Conflict lens
Babu Ayindo, Mercy Corps
- Dr. Sidonia Angom,Gulu University Constituent College (GUCC)
- Erastus Kyalo, Cross-Border Community Resilience (CBCR), Chemonics
- Ngura Chilla, Reformed Warrior
- Grace Itae, Women’s Peace Forum
- Dr. Jennifer Talbot, B4R Program, RTI
- Okiria Micheal, Resident District Commissioner, Kaabong
3. Strengthening Local Governance for Karamoja
Sylvester Abara, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Beatrice Okware, Apolou, Mercy Corps
- Nangole Lobot Joseph, District Chairperson, Amudat
- Rosa Adero, Women’s Peace and Development Forum
- Dr. Godfrey Bwanika, GB Consulting Associates Ltd – Omara Yuventine, District Chairperson, Abim
12:30 - 14:00 - LUNCH
14:00 – 15:45 – Closing Reflections, Closing Panel and Closing Remarks
Closing Reflections
Closing Panel: Highlights of the Learning Event
Moderator: Joshua Wathanga, RLA
Closing Remarks: Amie Beeler, USAID, Economic Growth Office