Climate Smart Research on Drought Response in Turkana County
Climate change has made marginalized areas more vulnerable to weather-related disasters such as floods and droughts, which have led to an increase in poverty and development challenges in places like Turkana County. To address these issues, it is important to improve disaster response and adapt to natural hazards. In the past five years, the Turkana County Government has worked with organizations like the National Disaster Management Authority, the national government, local communities, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies to
implement measures and mechanisms that promote disaster resilience. These efforts have helped to save lives, protect infrastructure, livelihoods, social systems, and the environment. Building disaster resilience is a more sustainable and cost-effective approach than relying on disaster relief and development aid.
This research aims to study the trends and impacts of drought in Turkana County over the past three to five years, understand how drought affects the livelihoods of the Turkana people, document the adaptation and coping mechanisms to address the effects of drought, document the impact of drought on the peaceful coexistence of cross-border communities, highlight the policy and legislative frameworks that support the sustainability of pastoral livelihoods, and highlight integration of traditional and modern early warning systems.