Cross-Border Community Resilience Priorities Masterplan (2023-2025) Moyale Cluster
The Moyale Cluster Master Plan is a development blueprint for each cluster that was developed after a vigorous cocreation process that begun at corridor level culminating at cluster level. The Moyale Master Plan was developed by reviewing development and community resilience needs in each of the four corridors- Moyale-Moyale, Miyo-Sololo, Dire-Forolle, Dillo-Dukana corridors that constitute the Moyale cluster and
came up with specific areas of priorities, namely; human capital development, Livelihood diversification and resilience enhancement, Integrated sustainable natural resource conservation and management and Peacebuilding and social cohesion enhancement. CBCR is happy that the Moyale Master plan provides a common vision for resilience improvement in the entire region, as well as a clear comprehension of the actions to be taken across multiple sectors to improve community resilience.
The Master Plan is a result of joint efforts by partners working in the Moyale cluster to enhance economic growth, protect the environment, foster women rights and enhance the empowerment of youth, and women. The Plan thus proposes concrete actions that promote peaceful co-existence of communities by strengthening synergies that ensure efficient utilization of resources in order to sustainably build resilience for current and future generations.
This Master plan for Moyale Cluster is an advocacy document where potential donors/partners can pick up Pastoralist’s priorities along the Kenya- Ethiopia Border areas and implement for the good of the residents. As a first step to actualizing the use of this master plan the CBCR project has used some of the priorities to provide grants under contract RFAs. It is the document to go to when working Moyale Cluster for Government and Non- Governmental Agencies in the 4 countries that fall under this cluster today and in the days to come. Cross Border Community Resilience (CBCR)