Ethiopia is home to the largest livestock population in Africa. The majority of the country’s cattle, goat, sheep and camels come from the Ethiopia Somali Region, where numerous pastoral communities live in extreme poverty. To stimulate more-inclusive economic growth in the region, USAID supported the development of the Jijiga Export Slautherhouse. This operation promises to open the immense Middle East market to smallholder farmers, most of whom have little or no experience of direct-market dealings. The Government of Ethiopia Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is one of the largest safety net programs in the world. It is a major component of Government of Ethiopia Food Security Program and plays a critical role in building resilience of chronically food insecure communities to shocks. The program has helped reduce total poverty in Ethiopia by 25% since 2005. The PSNP objective is to prevent depletion of household assets, stimulate markets, improve access to services and rehabilitate and enhance the natural environment through labor-based public works. The program has more than six million potential beneficiaries. USAID is the largest bilateral donor to the PSNP. Through this support, food gaps have narrowed, household diets have improved and fewer households needed to sell assets to meet their food needs.